what !! ...play pubg in 1gb 2 gb ram laptop

Every one in this world wants to play pubg mobile on their devices. But some guyz having low specs laptops cannot play pubg on their laptop devices. So guyz if you are reading this blog then this blog is just for you. I will explain you how to change your dumb pc to pubg playing laptop by guiding you step wisely just in 3 simple steps:
1.with 1 gb or 2 gb ram guys you cannot play pubg mobile but you can upgrade your RAM very easily. If you have a ramstick already then just put it on your laptop. Or if you don't know how to upgrade your RAM then comment i will post a blog for it.
2. If you have upgraded your RAM to minimum of 3gb then you are ready to play pubg mobile. Just download android os. You can get different android os on the internet and just download its .exe setup file.
3.After that just run the setup and install android os on your pc. Then just download the pubg mobile and play on your dumb pc.

If you are stuck at any points then comment for help...
Thank you for reading this blog.


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